Wear Your Heart on Your Tote! Make a Statement

Wear Your Heart on Your Tote! Make a Statement

Here at KMM & Co., we think it's important to stand up for the things you believe in. And while leather goods probably can't change the world, leathers goods *can* raise funds for organizations that are working to make the world a better place for everyone. So we're raising funds for a few organizations that are doing work we think is vitally important in these challenging times, and we're hoping that you can help.

When you purchase an item from our Causes We Believe In collection, the proceeds go to the organization named on the product page. We're currently fundraising for The Trevor Project, an organization that works to end suicide among LGBTQ youth; the National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF), an organization that works to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access; and Direct Relief, an organization that distributes medical aid to the people of Ukraine. By choosing to purchase one of these items, you're choosing to make a donation to an organization that's making a meaningful difference in the world.

It's easy to feel hopeless or depressed when you look around and realize that the world we live in is so far from the world we can imagine. But we think that we all have a responsibility to speak up against oppression and hate and to use our platform and our privilege to speak out about the changes we want to effect in our world. We hope that you'll join us in standing up for the things you believe in, and in wearing your heart on your sleeve – err, tote bag? – as you fight for the better world we can build together.